Philosophy of Training Youth
In an environment of love, discovery, and adventure we inspire and empower youth to achieve excellence.

The LIFE Trainings Way
In a variety of settings over the one, two, or three-week course youth trainees are taught, challenged, and coached by our caring and experienced staff. They will learn the four areas of need of all humans and how to recognize and honorably fulfill their own legitimate needs. They will learn principles, skills, and processes that will serve them for a lifetime, and will have the opportunity to immediately apply what they are learning as they participate in the adventures and activities that have come to define the LIFE method of training.
Kids learning principles and skills like Leadership and Problem Solving will apply them in fun but demanding activities such as a horseback expedition, on an ATV safari, on the Challenge Course, or the adventure to Treasure Island, among others (Get more information on available activities). For example, after a young person has led his or her team in overcoming the many challenges that lie between them and the "riches" awaiting them on Treasure Island they invariably say, "I get it now! I understand the principle(s)!" Then they can't wait to begin setting goals for school, work, family, and the other now-exciting parts of real life.
Principle-Based Training
Every youth leaves the training not only with a new perspective on themselves and on life, but also with a written Mission Statement, Life Plan, and a list of goals and a roadmap of how they are going to achieve them. They will have received training in skills and principles such as:
- Accountability (stop perceiving themselves as passive bystanders or victims and begin to see themselves as the creators of their lives)
- Effective Communication (including ways to better communicate with parents and peers)
- Problem Solving (including healthy ways to face life without turning to drugs or alcohol)
- Leadership (lead others to the light rather than allowing themselves to be led to the darkness)
- Teamwork (learning to work effectively with fellow youth and with adults in accomplishing meaningful goals)
- Planning (stop the aimless drift of life and take control of the journey)
- Recognizing the greatness that lies within them
The atmosphere at LIFE Youth Trainings is one of optimism and encouragement. While staff does not hesitate to challenge and appropriately correct trainees, no youth is ever demeaned or belittled. It is our goal that every child will feel valued and deserving of respect.
Post-Training Life Coaching
At LIFE every youth has a coach assigned to them to assist and mentor them in internalizing the principles and skills being experienced, and to coach them in developing a Life Plan and meaningful and attainable goals for their future. After the training course has been completed and the young man or young woman has returned home, their coach will remain in contact through a series of coaching calls designed to reinforce the training principles, to encourage the youth, and to help them stay on their success track.
LIFE Youth Training and Adventures is unique in its approach and commitment, but perhaps no element of our training sets us apart as much as our commitment to the long-term success of our trainees. Being accountable to their coach following the training helps keep the youth focused on the goals and commitments they have made, and assists them in trusting and internalizing the training so they can better deal with the inevitable obstacles to the positive changes they are making.