Benefits of Couples Training
In an atmosphere of love, discovery, and adventure we inspire and empower couples to achieve excellence.

Not Your Average Marriage "Seminar"
We help couples renew and reconnect in beautiful and romantic surroundings even as they learn about themselves, one another, and this magical thing called marriage. As with all LIFE trainings (including our Family and Youth Programs) part of the secret of our results is our ability to help couples internalize the training even as they take part in a fun and exciting vacation. Your retreat might take place at a beautiful beachfront location, or in an exciting and bustling city, or perhaps in the seclusion of the mountains.
Our Retreats are not an evening spent at the local school in an impersonal adult education class. They are three to five days of life and experiences that will leave you and your marriage forever changed for the better. The training includes a thorough and professional assessment process to help each couple identify the strengths of their marriage as well as the areas of challenge they most deserve to deal with.
No marriage is perfect. To expect a relationship without some friction points is unreasonable and, in its own way, unhealthy. But what we guarantee as couples engage fully in the training is an enhanced ability to establish their relationship on solid ground, and offering them effective tools and resources to use for a lifetime.
Don't look for any cold and impersonal seminars at a LIFE Couples Training. You can expect warm and sharing discussions in small groups and with your facilitators. You can anticipate one-on-one time with your partner in surroundings and activities designed to remove any of the walls that might have grown between you, leading to joyful and fulfilling reconnection. You can expect to test and internalize your relationship skills even as you enjoy activities ranging from the active and adventurous to the relaxing and sedentary.
One-on-One Couples Trainings and Retreats
Many couples are most comfortable in rediscovering and reinventing their relationship in a private, one-on-one retreat in which our chief Marriage Trainers, Gerry and Margo Dye, facilitate the couple's journey in a focused and caring environment dedicated to the specific challenges and opportunities of their relationship. Please contact us for more information.
Post-Training Coaching
As is the case with all LIFE Trainings, we also provide at no additional fee on-going support to couples through a series of post-training coaching calls. The same facilitators that assisted you during the training will help you individually and as a couple to put your Plan of Action into place in the real world. We will provide encouragement and feedback to help you stay true to the goals and commitments you have made during the training, and even provide further customized training.
By helping to keep the training fresh and your level of accountability high in the weeks following the training, the long-term success of the training and its positive results in your marriage and family will be enhanced.
Join us at one of our upcoming Couples Retreats and rediscover the joy, adventure, and passion of your marriage.